
Hangzhou SFT New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

杭州盛弗泰新材料科技有限公司 Hangzhou SFT New Material Technology Co., Ltd.


Innovation Research

Hangzhou SFT New Material Technology Co. , Ltd can provide all kinds of outsourcing service including develop the process and optimization service. scientific research strength in custom synthesis.

SFT have a central laboratory in Hangzhou West Future Technology Park, with a group of R&D experts & Masters which have strong attainments in the field of organic chemistry, organic synthesis, pharmaceutical.chemistry, as well as a large number of senior engineer which have rich experience in the production of chemical engineering and pharmaceutical engineering. What's more, several doctors from our British cooperation agency used to give us the technical support. In addition, Volant have lots of research laboratory devices equiped with the modern analytical testing instruments. No matter gms, kgs, mts, SFT always plays,well on scale-up optimization.

Our technologies, equipments, talents will be fully played, offer the best service on fine chemicals and related intermediates at home or aboard.



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